MuseumPests and Pest Odyssey Pesty Presentations!
May 14, 2024, Virtual Meeting
In what is hoped to be an annual event, the Pest Odyssey UK and MuseumPests Working Group collaborated in hosting the first Pesty Presentation Session with nine short presentations on cultural heritage IPM. The powerpoint presentations are available on this site and the session was recorded and will be made available on the MuseumPests YouTube channel.
MuseumPests PRESENTS! 2nd Public Presentation Session
March 3, 2022, Virtual Meeting
Read the abstracts and check the schedule for the inaugural MuseumPests Public Presentation Session, March 3, 2022. The event was streamed LIVE on the MuseumPests Facebook page and will be available on the MuseumPests YouTube channel.
Collection Care Network – IPM trends in Collection Care
June 2, 2021, American Institute for Conservation (AIC) and Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC)
AIC’s Collection Care Network presented four papers on a range of IPM topics as part of the virtual annual meeting.
MuseumPests 1st Public Presentation Session
March 11, 2021, Virtual Meeting
Read the abstracts and check the schedule for the inaugural MuseumPests Public Presentation Session, March 11, 2021. The event was streamed LIVE on the MuseumPests Facebook page and is also available on the MuseumPests YouTube channel.

The U.K. Pest Odyssey Network (now part of ICON) held its July 8th 2020 annual meeting via Zoom attracting over 300 participants. The theme of the meeting was Pest Off with Covid and Other Stories. You can see the full program and the abstracts on the Pest Odyssey Network website and a recording of the talks is available on YouTube.
Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Heritage, IPM 2019
May 21–23, 2019
Stockholm, Sweden
The 4th international conference was organized by the Swedish National Heritage Board in collaboration with Nationalmuseum, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Swedish National Archives and the Swedish IPM group PRE-MAL. The conference attracted 160 delegates from 23 countries attended the conference with an additional 750 people per participating through live streaming. Download the conference’s final program, abstract booklet, conference posters, or the full conference proceedings as a pdf. The access the proceedings click on the link “full text” under Open Access i DiVA). Under that link you’ll also find a link to the order form for Print-on-Demand (there is a shopping cart and a link Beställ online, which means Order online).

Collection Care Network – A Review and Comparison of Anoxic Treatment Methods for Pest Management
May 30, 2017
American Institute for Conservation 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
Louvre Museum, Paris
This conference, with presentations in French and English, was aimed at heritage institution professionals involved in preventive conservation or pest management . Read a blog post on the conference from two IPM-WG participants who attended.

MuseumPests 2014: Integrated Pest Management for Museums, Libraries, Archives and Historic Sites
March 27-28, 2014
Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia
The Integrated Pest Management Working Group and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation partnered together to hold a two-day conference and workshop program to celebrate the IPM-WG’s 10th anniversary of creating online resources for the museum, library, archive, and historic site community. Access the conference abstracts and presentation content. The Institutional IPM session highlighted how colleagues have implemented IPM programs in their institutions providing tips that can be usefully adapted as circumstances. dictate. Read one participant’s review of the conference on our blog.
The Textile Specialty Group of the American Institute for Conservation hosted Stressed About Pests? A Panel Led Discussion on Integrated Pest Management. In the session the three presenters discussed challenges and approaches to implementing IPM in their institutions.
- Bernice Morris, IPM Coordinator at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, discussed the development of a written IPM policy, the challenge of making the best use of monitoring data and systems put in place for preventing infestations in the costume and textile collection.
- Patricia Silence, Conservator of Museum Exhibitions and Historic Interiors at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, gave an overview of the challenges of implementing IPM in a large institution with historic and contemporary structures.
- Rachael Perkins Arenstein of A.M. Art Conservation, LLC and Co-Chair of the MPWG spoke about issues she has seen as a consultant working with small to mid-size museums and what conservators should be aware of combating IPM challenges with institutional clients.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Museums, Archives and Historic Houses
June 5-7, 2013
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Proceedings of the International Conference in Vienna, Austria are available for download here.
Pest Odyssey 2011: Ten Years Later
October 26-28, 2011
The British Museum, London
Conference post-prints, Integrated Pest Management for Collections: Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later, can be purchased here.