Zpest Tracker

  The ZPest Tracker program is an update to the older Zpest Standard program. It is used to organize pest trapping data and present that data in graph and/or report format. It follows the recommendations of the IPM Working Group. ZPEST TRACKER  –...

History of IPM

Resources Join the PestList Resources – Education & Training Resources – Health & Safety Resources – Residual Pesticides Resources – Glossary History of IPM Resources – Other Resources Resources – Bibliography Health & Safety for Monitoring Prior to...

Awareness and Training

All staff members in an institution must have some understanding of why pests are dangerous to the collections and what to do if they find either live or dead pests around the building. Staff training is necessary to ensure ongoing success of an IPM program. There are...

Environmental Controls

Environmental controls should aim to maintain an environment that is not hospitable for pests. Environmental factors that can be controlled include: cleanliness, temperature, relative humidity and lighting. Ideally, your institution should strive to maintain...
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