Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Museums, Archives and Historic Houses – Proceedings of the International Conference in Vienna, Austria 2013
Edited by: Pascal Querner, David Pinniger and Astrid Hammer
Subjects discussed (excerpted from the conference proceedings):
- a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of IPM in museums and other collections
- IPM standards
- new results for pest distribution
- new methods of analysis
- a literature survey
- case studies that addressed the wide range of pest problems
- techniques and solutions (including what did not work and what was successful)
- treatment methods
- how best to eliminate an active infestation
The international IPM conference in Vienna was an important event to share experiences, information, and results for integrated pest management in museums, archives, and historic buildings. Conferences like the one in Vienna 2013, Pest Odyssey 2001, and Pest Odyssey 2011 are valuable events, because they cover a wide range of disciplines. Participants in Vienna included: conservation scientists, preventive conservators, entomologists, microbiologists, chemists and technicians, all working in integrated pest management for cultural heritage. As there are no specific journals for IPM in museums, the proceedings of these conferences are important sources of information for scientists and workers (mostly conservators) in this field. Further, at these events, people can speak openly about their problems and infestations in their collections, which is not always the case at other conferences and in conventional research publications. For many museums, admitting the activity of pests in their collections is still very much perceived to be admitting a lack of care. This is especially true for many parts of Europe, where acceptance of IPM seems to lag behind the UK or other English speaking countries. A key objective of our international conference in Austria was to try and raise the awareness of museum staff and heads of collections, not only in Vienna and Austria but also in other European countries.

Conference delegates on the central stairs of the Kunsthistorische Museum Wien, 7th of June 2013. All photographs by the authors unless stated otherwise.
– Contents –
(broken into multiple linkable *.pdf files found below)
Introduction by Dr. Paul Frey, General Manager KHM (pp. 5)
IPM: past, present and future – Vienna 2013
Querner, Pascal; Pinniger, David & Hammer, Astrid (pp. 6-8)
Section I: IPM in Museums (pp. 9 – 74)
Museum Integrated Pest Management: a timeline
Crossman, Amy & Pinniger, David.
Past, present and future: changes in status and distribution of museum insect pests
Pinniger, David.
Assessing and managing pest risks in collections
Brokerhof, Agnes W.
Integrated Pest Management as European standard
Nilsen, Lisa.
Fungi and insects as deterioration agents in museums – a comparison
Sterflinger, Katja & Querner, Pascal.
Beetles often overlooked in collections: species of mould-feeding beetles found at Royal Museums Greenwich, London
Sacher, Betty & Brierley, Liesa.
Investigation into the sex pheromone of the adult female odd beetle (Thylodrias contractus)
Kelley, Patrick & VanRyckeghem, Alain.
Use of ultra-wideband (UWB) technology for the detection of active pest infestation
Herrmann, Ralf; Sachs, Jürgen; Fritsch, Hans-Christian & Landsberger, Bill.
Section II: Case studies
Part A (pp.75 – 138)
Part B (pp. 139 – 204)
Distribution of wooden-damaging beetles captured by adhesive traps in historic buildings in Nikko
Hayashi, Mikiko; Kigawa, Rika; Harada, Masahiko; Komine, Yukio; Kawanobe, Wataru & Ishizaki, Takeshi.
Large-scale survey of wood-boring anobiids by adhesive ribbons in historic buildings at the Nikko World Heritage Site and investigation of effective eradication measures during an extensive restoration
Kigawa, Rika; Harada, Masahiko; Hayashi, Mikoko; Komine, Yukio; Nomura, Makito; Fujii, Yoshihisa; Fujiwara, Yuko; Torigoe, Toshiyuki; Imazu, Setsuo; Honda, Mitsuko; Kawanobe, Wataru & Ishizaki, Takeshi.
Craigievar: long term problems, long term solutions
Houston, Mel & Davidson, Ian M.
IPM in the palace of Schönbrunn in Vienna, Austria
Querner, Pascal; Iby, Elfriede & Wohlfart, Michael.
Update on the IPM programme at English Heritage
Lauder, Dee.
Everyday struggles with insects at an ethnological museum
Fürnkranz, Sophie.
Infestation by the blue bottle fly (Calliphora vicina) and the clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) inside an Italian art museum
Di Domenico, Davide & Maistrello, Lara.
Integrated Pest Management in Italian cultural heritage institutional structures
Berzolla, Alessio; Chiappini, Elisabetta; Minoli, Denise; Nelli Roberto & Reguzzi, Christina.
A tricky road to IPM at the Centre des monuments nationaux (CMN) in France
Gunn, Agnoko-Michelle & Nicosia, Grazia.
Monitoring of the webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) as a prerequisite for an Integrated Pest Management in the Imperial Furniture Collection, Vienna, Austria
Rausch, Matthias & Halmschlager, Erhard.
Tineola bisselliela at the Natural History Museum, London
Ryder, Suzanne; Mendez, Armando & Kelly, Clayre.
Control of the wood boring weevil (Pentarthrum huttoni; Coleoptera: Curculionidae) by changing the environmental conditions in the crypt of St. Michael’s church, Vienna
Halmschlager, Erhard; Kritsch, Peter & Dobart, Nina.
IPM at the Technisches Museum Wien
Ljubić Tobisch, Valentina; Wetzenkircher, Martina; Weixelbaumer, Friedrich; Clouter, Chris & Sánchez, Bettina.
Thirteen years of IPM at the Imperial Carriage Museum, Vienna – from the beginnings to now
Morelli, Michaela.
Relocation of the collections from the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien to a newly built storage site – consequences for the IPM
Querner, Pascal & Kimmel, Tanja.
Section III: Treatment methods
Part A (pp. 205 – 239)
Part B (pp. 240 – 279)
The New EU Biocides Regulations 528/2012 and the effect it will have on museum IPM
Child, Robert E.
Anoxia treatment using oxygen scavengers for disinfestations of large museum objects
Biebl, Stephan & Landsberger, Bill
Biological control of cultural heritage pests – a review
Schöller, Matthias & Prozell, Sabine.
Parasitoids against insect pests – a future for IPM?
Anheuser, Kilian.
IPM at the V&A Museum and preventive treatments using Thermo Lignum™
Blyth, Val.
Investigation of the use of freezing against insect pests in Danish museums and the effect of repeated freezing of 5 different surface treatments on pinewood and glass slides
Kjerulff, Anne-Kathrine.
Biodegradation of cultural heritage made of cellulose and protein based materials
Geba, Maria; Vornicu, Nicoleta, Olaru, Angelica; Lisă, Gabriela; Brailean, Mirela & Ursescu, Marta.
The gamma-ray disinfection of historical collections
Ursescu, Marta & Geba, Maria.
Sponsors of the conference (pp. 285)