March 12-14, 2025

We are delighted to announce that the MuseumPests Working Group will be held at the recently re-opened Yale Peabody Museum in New Haven, CT. Our host Lynn Jones looks forward to welcoming the group for a look at the newly renovated museum.

To start our 2025 meeting, we will have a ½ day pre-session on Wednesday, March 12th with a tour of the new galleries and collection spaces. The afternoon pre-session is designed to allow participants to travel to the area in the morning and meet up in the afternoon for a casual social and educational program. After our tour, we will have short 10-15 minute presentations on IPM related topics from participants. Let one of the MPWG chairs know if you would like to present your work or research in this casual format.

The following two days (March 13-14) will consist of our standard two-day working group format, mixing group and individual work to create and update online content to meet the needs of our community. We will work on plans for an online meeting in collaboration with the UK Pest Odyssey group. If you are able, please bring a laptop or tablet to conduct work during the sessions.

As in past years, there is no fee for attending the program, but participants are responsible for their own travel, room, and board. RSVP’s will be accepted through March 10, 2024 or until spots are filled.  Priority will be given to returning participants on a first-come, first-served basis and to new participants who are actively involved in an IPM program in their institution. Please RSVP via the Online Registration Form. Acceptance will be confirmed via email and additional details on location and lodging will be provided. 

Please note: The MPWG meetings do not teach IPM and are only appropriate for individuals working with an active IPM program. For more information on the working group meetings please contact the  MPWG Co-Chairs Adam Osgood using the website’s Contact Us form.  

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