MAY 14, 2024

Note that all times are listed in U.S. eastern times as well as U.K. time zones. Zoom access information has been sent to the PestList for those interested in listening to the presentations. The session will be recorded.

10.00 EDT/15.00 BST
Welcome and introduction from chairs of MuseumPests & Pest Odyssey group chairs:
Rachael Arenstein & Jane Thompson-Webb

10.20 EDT/15.20 BST
Developing commercially viable nano-biopesticides using herbal plants for sustainable pest management in cultural institutions
Fatma Faheem

10.35 EDT/15.35 BST
Managing Webbing Clothes moth, Naturally
David Loughlin

10.50 EDT/15.50 BST
Case Study: A Stegobium Panecium (Biscuit Beetle) infestation in the Museum of London’s library?
Sophie Oelman & Stephanie Richardson-Jones

11.05 EDT/16.05 BST
Standard operation procedure for touring exhibitions
Armando Mendez

11.20 EDT/16.20 BST
What happens in the Dark: A massive moth infestation case study
Fran Ritchie

11.35 EDT/16.35 BST
The risks from pests that make their way into museums from museum restaurants and staff food supplies
Pat Kelley

10.50 EDT/16.50 BST

12.00 EDT/17.00 BST
Teaching IPM in the Intermountain West
Marie Desrochers

12.15 EDT/17.15 BST
An odd problem to solve: Update on IPM and Thylodrias contractus (odd beetle)
Rebecca Newberry

12.30 EDT/17.30 BST

Update on sticky trap issues in the U.K. and U.S.

12.45 EDT/17.45 BST
Open Discussion and future meetings

13.00 EDT/18.00 BST
Closing remarks  
Adam Osgood & Jane Thompson-Webb

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