Identification – Resources

ID – Pest Fact Sheets Dynamic Pest Fact Sheets ID – Pest Fact Sheets (PDF) ID – Image Gallery ID – Resources ID – Bibliography ID – Image Submissions IPM-Working Group Identification Resources The following resources were created by the Integrated Pest...


Mice & Rats Birds Bats Game & Wildlife Health & Safety for Vertebrates Birds This page provides guidance for managing assorted avian pests, including: Pigeons and English Sparrows  Woodpeckers  European Starlings Canada Geese Pigeons and English...

Web Resources – Professional Societies

The National Pest Management Association Inc. (NPMA), a non-profit organization, was established to support the pest management industry’s commitment to the protection of public health, food and property, reflected both in continuing education of pest management...

Resources – Residual Pesticides

Resources Join the PestList Resources – Education & Training Resources – Residual Pesticides Resources – Glossary History of IPM Resources – Other Resources Resources – Bibliography The historical use of pesticides in cultural heritage institutions (e.g. arsenic,...
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